Üzümcü is a global supplier of medical technologies for our partners all around the world with our high quality innovative products. Over half-century experience in medical field and a dynamic team, we have been involved in many projects in more than 100 countries. .


3 Years ago

Baskent University Biomedical Eng. department's president. prof. Dr. Dilek Çökeliler and Ankara University Biomedical Eng. department's president prof. Dr. Hilal Göktaş visited us in our factory.

The visit was hosted by our Company Director Zulfikar TUFAN and our Sales Manager Ahmet CANBOLAT; We would like to thank our precious professors for the productive meetings that took place. In which we talked about what we can do to our young friends studying in the field and how we can progress in the name of university-industry cooperation.



We welcomed prof. Dr. Dilek Çökeliler and prof. Dr. Hilal Göktaş